Saturday 20 October 2012

The Ocado Shop - Revisited

Last weekend we finally cracked open the 14th and final box from our Ocado order, which we saved from last year so we'd have some beer in the house upon our return. To celebrate we unboxed all 210 cans and took some pictures.

We also decided to send Ocado an e-mail to thank them for their mistake - here's what we wrote:

"We just wanted to say thanks for an enormous quantity of inexpensive beer!

Around 9 months ago my housemates and I placed an order on your website for no less than 210 cans of Carlsberg, which saw us through the latter half of our second year of university nicely. We've been stockpiling cans for our beer can tower since the first year, and it currently contains around 1000 cans (you can find pictures of it here: This means that your store alone has supplied about 1/5th of all that we've collected to date!

I've attached a photo of the crates the day they arrived, as well as some from the night when we finished off the 14th and final box. Thanks again!"

Sadly all we got back was one of those generic "thanks for the feedback" e-mails, which was very disappointing - we were hoping for something a little more imaginative than a copy+paste response. Maybe we should e-mail Carlsberg to see if they'd appreciate it...

Probably the most abundant lager in our house...

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