Saturday 29 June 2013

We did it!

Our final year of University is over, and unfortunately that has meant the end of this project of ours too. To say that the last few weeks were hectic would be an understatement, with many of us having scary adult stuff like flat viewings, car test drives and so on all in prepartion for where we end up next year. Then there was the whole house to clean and all of our stuff to pack, so it really was just a blur.

At one point it seemed impossible that we'd manage to get the 20 storey tower built in time - we had very few days left and were a good 30 cans short of our target with no real opportunities to drink them because of how busy we all were. Thankfully we found a couple of free evenings and, with the help of Dave who loaned us his room, we were able to knock down 19 and build 20 the very next day without even having to clear the cans away first. So here it is - the victory photo. Behold the 20 storey tower!:

Mission Accomplished!
My thanks go out to Dave for sacrificing his room the day before he had to leave (hero), as well as to everyone whose contributions got us here - we literally only had one or two cans spare at the end so we needed every one of you! I have plenty of videos still to make which'll be appearing over the next month or two - amongst them will be the destruction of 19 and 20, as well as a special fast-motion video to show just what went into building the 20 storeys at the end. I also just posted statistics from the third year, and of course at some point I'll do an overall version of that!

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